Using technology in addiction recovery

Using Technology in Addiction Recovery

In recent years, an increase in technology has been a major part of our lives. Its use has become far more commonplace. But, how can we use technology in addiction recovery? 

Apps, virtual reality, and online access offer additional options for people to seek help with substance abuse disorders. Much in the same way we use digital platforms to connect with our neighbors, or meet new people.

Here, we’ll discuss some of the digital platforms being used, and how we can effectively utilize technology in addiction recovery.

Technologies being used

Many types of technology are being used in addiction recovery programs. They are supported by evidence-based research. These are just a few of the technologies in current use for treatment programs.


Many platforms offer some form of online chat. Online businesses offer support via chat, where people can connect to a specialist. These platforms are now available to people who suffer from substance abuse disorders.

Patients can now connect via telemedicine with addiction specialists and counselors. Many addiction treatment centers offer convenient access to support for patients who are unable to travel to treatment centers.

Telemedicine communication can allow patients and counselors to communicate face-to-face even though they are not physically present. Interaction is possible regardless of where the counselor or patient may be located.

Telemedicine is a great option for patients who need immediate support. It can help to overcome logistical hurdles and get them the support they require when they are most needed.

In addition, particularly since the start of the pandemic, online chats have been used for support groups as well. Programs like SMART Recovery hold meetings online to allow those in treatment to have the group support they need without leaving their home.

Telemedicine should not be used alone. It is intended to complement traditional treatments.

AA Big Book

The Alcoholics Anonymous “Big Book is a useful resource for anyone who might be interested in Alcoholics Anonymous.

The handbook contains podcasts, personal testimonials and a meeting finder. It also includes prayers and the complete 164-page text from the Big Book. 

A sobriety calculator allows patients to enter their sobriety dates to keep track of how far they’ve come.

Sober Grid

This free app was created to assist patients in getting the support they need, regardless of where they live. This app is an easy-to use tool to share and track progress with others.


This FDA-backed medical application can be used to treat addiction. This app contains 12 weeks of lessons to help people with addiction recovery. Access to Reset requires a prescription from a doctor.

FDA reviewed a study which found that nearly 400 people were able to abstain from drug use while using the app. This was more than double that of those who didn’t.


This free app allows you to keep in touch with members of the support group. It allows individuals to keep track of their sobriety, and even share it with counselors.

Nomo also provides accountability for patients on their sobriety journey.

Using technology in addiction recovery

Neurofeedback Technology

Many treatment centers incorporate technology into their innovative treatment strategies, such as neurofeedback therapy. This type of treatment allows the participant to train their brain to resist cravings for drugs by using electrodes, computers, and specialized software.

Doctors can use brainwaves to determine how to reward patients based on the information they see. Images that are positive in nature will result in positive rewards. These ‘prizes,’ as their brains develop over time, can be more appealing to them than drugs.

Although this treatment is still in its infancy, studies suggest it could be an effective way for patients to better manage their substance abuse disorders.

Virtual Reality

In the world of addiction treatment, virtual reality may have a place.

Researchers are looking at virtual reality to determine if it is a viable treatment option for addiction.

People with substance abuse disorders are often placed in environments that can trigger their cravings for drugs and alcohol. However, this is done in controlled settings.

Using technology in addiction treatment assists patients in identifying triggers and learning how to avoid them. Researchers have had great success in treating people who are addicted to tobacco.

Addiction treatment can help

Although in-person treatment at a recognized treatment center is still the best option for addiction treatment, digital technology could be used in some treatment programs.

The role of technology in addiction recovery is to offer an additional avenue for those with substance use disorders to better manage their recovery.

Participating in a treatment program at a facility that employs evidence-based strategies is the best way to manage your addiction symptoms.

Unique World Technology is not a treatment center. If you or someone you know is suffering from addiction, please reach out to a licensed facility to assist you in your recovery.